

Play Danish Day / Spil dansk dag

So... Today it's "Play Danish Day" which is all about honoring Danish music - because it's worth it! It's about shedding light on Danish artists in general but especially on those who's using the Danish language in the music as well. "Once upon a time" (in the 80's and before that) it was very common to write music lyrics in Danish, but in the 90's and also in the 00's it was very unfashionable and wasn't heard as much. Lately it's been coming back though and I think it's quite lovely. 

Because of the Play Danish Day (and because I've been thinking about it lately) I've decided to go back to writing in Danish as well and then translate it into English. Just because... Well, I'm Danish and some future post might aim just at Danish readers and it doesn't make much sense to write them in English. But as I said: I'll translate and put the English text in italic. 

And now to the Danish part - more English below. 

I dag er det jo Spil dansk dag. Til de er jer, som ikke ved, hvad det nu lige handler om, så er det dagen hvor vi skal sætte (endnu mere!) pris på danske musikere. Kunstnere som giver plads til det danske sprog i deres musik, såvel som danske kunstnere som bare er fantastiske. Og danske. Og uden at blive alt for nationalistisk, så kan jeg altså godt lide dansk musik. Bare fordi. Der var engang, hvor det var helt almindeligt at synge på dansk. Og så var der en periode, hvor det nærmest slet ikke var aktuelt. Nu er det danske sprog heldigvis tilbage på scenen, i radioen og ørebøfferne igen - og det er da dejligt!

I anledning af Spil dansk (og fordi jeg generelt har overvejet det på det seneste), så begynder jeg altså igen at skrive på dansk og oversætte til engelsk i samme blog. Fordi det giver mening for mig.

Og endnu mere i anledning af Spil dansk, så kommer her nogle Youtube-videoer (forbered jer på lidt spam fra min side), med nogle af mine yndlings-danskere på musikscenen - dansksprogede såvel som "bare danske".

Because of the Play Danish Day I'll post a few (well.... be prepared for some kind of spam-syndrome) videos from Youtube featuring some of my favourite Danish music - some of the songs are in Danish and you'll probably understand next to nothing (but still nice songs) and some of them will be on the list because the artist is Danish but sings in English.


Alright! Let's start up with something that you all probably know, but in a new version! Here's Halleluja in Danish by the lovely Steffen Brandt and the even more lovely Tina Dico. 

Ja, jeg ved godt, at det her er en omdiskuteret fætter. Men jeg kan altså godt lide Steffens oversættelse!

Actually this guy, Mads Langer, usually sings in English - and he does great! But this song is one of my favourite Danish songs at the moment and he's wonderful. The song is called "Overgi'r mig langsomt" which means "Surrendering slowly". 

And here he is again! Mads Langer in his own English element. This is one of my favourites!

This one is fun, because it mixes up English and Danish, performed by Volbeat and Johan Olsen. Also I have great memories of this song from my Youth Exchanges in Russia. 

Der er ikke noget som sange med minder i - denne var stor, da jeg var på ungdomsudveksling i Rusland og englænderne som deltog var vilde med den. De sang ufortrødent med - også når der blev sunget på dansk!

And this last one - it always makes my day. I mean... You can hear the guy smile, when you listen to him sing. The artist is called Rasmus Nøhr and the song is called "Alderspræsident" which means "Age president". I don't know if it's even a word in English, probably not... But it means being the oldest in a gathering. It's all about enjoying life and waiting for Summer to come back.

Rasmus Nøhr redder altså enhver dag for mig for tiden. Derfor er han med. Basta!

Do you know any Danish music at all? If you do, what's your favourite?
Hvad er dit "favorit danske"-musik?

2 kommentarer:

  1. OMG *hug* YOU made my day!!!!!!! Thank you fot those videos - ah new dansk music - yeah!

    And as you suppose, yes I know Kim Larsen (who not!) and Danser med Drenge.

    Greetings, P

    1. You are more than welcome! :D
      Oh, the good old Kim Larsen. And I looooove Danser med Drenge as well.


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