

POD: Stylish Work Outfit

Så er årets første måned næsten gået og det er mandag, så det betyder at det er tid til månedes Plus Size Outfit Day - hvis du ikke har hørt om konceptet før, så kan du læse mere om det her. Da jeg hørte månedens tema tænkte jeg, at det ikke kunne blive alt for svært at komme op med et stilet arbejds-outfit - jeg arbejder trods alt i en tøjforretning. Men da jeg så kiggede mit skab igennem, blev jeg alligevel overrasket over, hvor meget hverdagstøj jeg har gået i på arbejde på det sidste. Da jeg startede med at stå i butik syntes jeg, at det var alletiders at være pænt klædt på hver gang. Nu er det bare rart med en praktisk sweatshirt - men hvem har egentlig sagt, at det ikke kan være stilet? 

Personligt er jeg ret glad for det her outfit. Jeg mener: Hvem kan ikke lide fred? Neon-detaljerne er ganske vist ret grænseoverskridende for mig, men jeg kan ret godt lide dem. Og så passer det også utroligt godt til "begge" mine jobs. Mit arbejde i butikken er kun et par gange i ugen - alle andre dage er jeg studerende. Perfekt til begge dele. 

The first year of the month has almost gone by and it's Monday which means it's time for the Plus Size Outfit Day - if you haven't heard about the concept before you can read more about it here. When I heard of the theme for this month I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to come up with a stylish outfit for work. I mean... I work in a clothing store. But that was until I took a look in my closet and realized that lately I've been buying casual clothes for casual days (and when I'm at work I need to wear clothes from work obviously). When I started working there I thought it was awesome to be able to dress up every time I went to work. Now, at least sometimes, I think it's really nice to be casual and practical in a comfy sweatshirt. But then again - who says that can't be stylish?

 Personally I really like this outfit. I mean... Who doesn't like peace? And even though the neon details are a new thing for me I really like them. And the outfit fits quite good for "both" of my jobs. My job in the store is just a few hours a week - all other days I' a student. Perfect for both. 

Undskyld for at jeg snakker så meget! Nu må I hellere komme videre og tjekke alle de andre smukke kvinder ud - hvad har de mon på på arbejde? 

I'm sorry for talking so much! You should get going now and check out all the other wonderful ladies - what are they wearing for work? 

miss BARTOZ:
Steffi from

6 kommentarer:

  1. I love casual outfits. A business dresscode would be kind of difficult for me.


    1. Me too! Actually though.. when I started at my job, I thought it was the best thing to be able to dress up. Now I just like being casual.

      Thank you for your comment. xx

  2. Such a nice laid back look it great xx

  3. Your outfit is very beautiful :) !


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