

OOTD: 2. Outfit from Hamburg

Lige bortset fra, at jeg skylder jer, at vise, hvad jeg købte i Kurvenhaus, så er det her mit sidste indlæg om vores lille smuttur til Hamburg. Outfittet her er fra søndagen, hvor vi gik en lang tur rundt om søen, Binnenalster, i sne og slud.

This will be the last post about our little trip to Hamburg, except from the fact that I promised you to show you what I bought at Kurvenhaus - soon! This outfit is from Sunday where we took a long walk around the lake, Binnenalster, in snowy weather.

Skirt - Asos Curve / Shirt - H&M+ / A ton of layers and thermo underwear

Alle billederne er mere eller mindre hurtige snapshots, fordi 1. det var koldt, 2. hotellets rengøringspersonalet kom gående. Men jeg er altså virkelig glad for det her outfit. Hvad synes du?

All of these pictures are more or less quick snapshots because 1. it was cold, 2. the cleaning staff at the hotel was coming. But I really like this outfit. What do you think?

2 kommentarer:

  1. You and that skirt are absolutely adorable!

  2. You are looking so beautiful. I love the blouse!


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