Words of Wisdom - Love your body
Hvordan kan man ikke elske denne The Body Shop-kampagne fra 1998?
How can you help loving this Tha Body Shop-campaign from 1998?
Can't wait!
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Billede fra www.aoa.dk |
Og hvad opdagede jeg så, da jeg gik og brokkede mig? At der rent faktisk åbner en Zizzi lige dér! Midt i byen. Det er da fedt!
Det skulle eftersigende være den største Zizzi-butik i landet. Og den åbner på torsdag. Skal du ind og snuse lidt? Jeg skal i hvert fald!
A few weeks ago I was a bit unhappy with the fact that a city like Aarhus couldn't offer more than a half store in a basement for plus size girls. Down town, that is. 'Cause we already have two Zizzi stores and a Nanna XL too - and we shouldn't complain about that! But all three stores are "outside" the city.
And what did I discover as I was complaining? This beautiful window that tells me that a Zizzi store will be opening right there! Right in the middle of this city. How awesome is that?
I've heard that it will be the biggest Zizzi store in Denmark. The Grand Opening is this Thursday. Are you going? I know I am!
Let's dance the night away
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Kjoler/dresses: Carmakoma - Clutch: Newlook - Charm: Pilgrim - Neglelak/Nail polish: Essie, Braziliant |
Men jeg er ikke en af dem - jeg har været på arbejde og skal møde tidligt igen i morgen. I stedet har jeg puttet mig under et varmt tæppe og ser X factor.
Og nu er min kæreste lige kommet hjem fra familiefødselsdag med tiramisu til mig. Nam!
If I were one of those people going out on this Friday night, I would wish that I could wear one of these really beautiful dresses from Carmakoma. I love, love, love the blue colour. And I would have to do my nails and take pretty things with me - like the clutch and the charm.
But I'm not one of those people. I've been working today and I have to get up really early tomorrow to go to work again. Instead I've teamed up with a warm blanket and X factor.
Words of Wisdom
Billedet her er fra vores værelse på det hostel vi boede på i London i sommers. Jeg var der sammen med min mor og min søster. Billedet hang på væggen og jeg gik rundt og nynnede Beatles-sangen hele ugen. De havde nu fat i noget de gutter.
Jeg har hilst på erantis og vintergækker på min tur hjem i dag. Det minder lidt om forår, hva'? Hvor er det skønt.
This photo is from our room at the hostel we stayed at in London last summer. I went with my mother and my sister. The picture was on the wall and I was singing the well known tune by The Beatles all week. They were on to something, those guys.
I've been saying hello to spring flowers on my way home today. It smells like spring here in Denmark.
New In: Boring But Important
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Alt er fra Bog & Idé, undtagen "Wreck this Journal", som er fra eLounge.dk |
Men lidt sjov skal man jo have! Så jeg brugte alt for mange penge på tusser i alle regnbuens farver - og lidt til. Dem har jeg længe haft planer med. Jeg har nemlig en udgave af "Wreck This Journal", som jeg gerne vil igang med at ødelægge. Det er ligesom hele princippet med bogen. Selvom jeg tror jeg får svært ved det. Den er jo så pæn. Og jeg kan godt lide pæne bøger.
Med til tusserne hørte et sjovt penalhus, som kan lynes helt fra hinanden, så det bare er én lang lynlås.
Sometimes school and the part of you, that deep down wants to be practical, demand of you to spend money on... Well, practical stuff. For example a calendar that will give you the needed overview of the next few months. And a calendar that doesn't just end in the middle of the summer, where you need to write down your plans for vacation (if I will be so lucky to have some anyway). And for example blocks of paper for the interviews I will be doing in school.
But you have to have a little fun! So I spend too much money on markers in all the colours of the rainbow - and a few more. I've had plans for those markers for at while now. I've got a copy of "Wreck This Journal" and I want to start destroying it. It's the whole point of the book. I think I will have a hard time doing it though. It's so pretty. And I like pretty books.
Time is ticking away
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Alle ure er fra Urban Outfitters - All wathces are from Urban Outfitters |
I dag kunne jeg godt have brugt et ur med "stop tiden, mens jeg ordner de ting jeg skal"-funktion. Jeg har læst lektier næsten non-stop siden middag og er først lige blevet færdig. Det mest markante udbytte jeg har fået af det er en massiv hovedpine. Sådan kan man jo også bruge sin søndag.
This isn't a sponsored post. Rather it is a excellent example of my obsession with Urban Outfitters and my big wish that it would move to town. I already own one watch from Urban Outfitters and even though I rarely wear watches at all I would love to be the happy owner of these. Especially the "World watch". I adore it!
Today it would have been useful for me to have a watch with a "Stop the time while I do the things I need to do"-function. I have been doing homework almost non-stop since noon and I just finished. The biggest thing I got out of it is a massive headache. Well, I guess that's a way to spend your Sunday too.
Bye bye weekend! Hello waaaay to busy week!
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