Katrin på reizende Rundungen har rundet 500 læsere og derfor har hun en giveaway kørende - og jeg synes helt sikkert, at du skulle tage at kigge forbi den, hvis du mangler noget fint til at klæde jeres kurver. Du kan selv vælge mellem en af de styles, som du kan se på billedet herunder. Jeg er ikke selv i tvivl; Jeg ville vælge den sorte peplum-kjole. Sådan én har jeg haft kig efter længe og den ville passe perfekt ind i min julegaderobe og være godt selskab til julefrokoster, juleaften, nytår og alt derimellem.
Katrin at reizende Rundungen just got up on 500 readers so she's hosting a giveaway - if you need something nice to embrace your curves you should definately jump over to her blog and check it out! If you win you get to pick one of the styles below. I know I would pick the black peplum dress. I've been looking for at dress like that for a while and it would fit perfect into my christmas wardrobe and keep me company at christmas parties, christmas eve and New Years (and everything in between!)
Så smut da lige over og tjek hendes giveaway ud her!
Så skal jeg da ellers lige love for, at der kom kolde dage til Danmark. Jeg synes, at det lige er tidligt nok, men det er jo den vej det går uanset. Men det er svært ikke at blive lidt træt af at gå at småfryse hele tiden. Jeg har forelæsninger på en gammel herregård og det er ikke ligefrem det varmeste sted at tilbringe sin tid. Og så ser jeg slet ikke frem til isglatte veje. Men bortset fra dét, så holder jeg humøret oppe ved at se på, hvor smukt det er derude (og ved tanken om, at jeg altså køber ski-undertøj en af dagene - johow!)
It has turned cold in Denmark lately. Actually pretty suddenly. If you ask me it's a bit too early, but we all know it had to happen sooner or later. Then it happened sooner. No matter what I think it's hard not to get a bit sick and tired from being cold all the time. I have lectures at an old manor and it's not exactly the warmest place to be this time of year. And I'm definately not looking forward to icy streets. But apart from that I'm keeping up my spirits by noticing how beautiful it is out there (and by the thought that one of these days I will buy thermo underwear - yes I will!)
Alle disse er taget i løbet af sidste uge / These were all taken during the last week
Endnu engang lykkedes det mig, at "glemme" at lave mit søndagsindlæg på en søndag. I virkeligheden glemte jeg det ikke. I virkeligheden havde jeg bare ikke lige mulighed for at finde tid til at lave det. Sådan kan det jo gå. Som jeg skrev, sidst jeg lavede søndagsindlæg på en tirsdag, så har jeg ingen idé om, om nogen rent faktisk dumper forbi denne blog bare for at læse om min uge. Hvis nogen var forbi (selvom jeg har svært ved at tro det) i søndags alene med det formål - så er jeg virkelig ked af det!
Under alle omstændigheder, så havde jeg en ret god uge - så den skal da ikke snydes for et Look Back.
Once again I succeeded in "forgetting" to do my Sunday Look Back Post on Sunday. Actually I didn't really forget it, I just really didn't have the time. Things like that happens when you're living life. As I said last time I made a Tuesday Sunday Look Back I have no idea if anyone comes by with the only purpose to read about my week. If anyone did so - I am really, really sorry! But I really did have a rather nice week, so it wouldn't be fair not to dedicate a Look Back to it. This week's ups:
Jeg var til et rigtig interessant foredrag om organdonation / I went to a really interesting lecture on organ donation.
Min kæreste og jeg var ude at shoppe og jeg har købt endnu en "one size fits all"-trøje / Me and my boyfriend went shopping a bit - once again I bought a "one size fits all"-shirt.
Jeg bestilte og modtog de smukkeste sommerfuglehalskæder fra Ladybirdlikes / I ordered and recieved the most beautiful butterfly-necklaces from Ladybirdlikes.
Jeg var til en vidunderlig god koncert med Tina Dickow / I went to wonderful concert with the lovely Tina Dico.
Inden koncerten hyggede min søster, min kæreste og jeg os på café med lækker mad / Before the concert my sister, my boyfriend and I had a nice dinner at a cozy café.
Min kæreste og jeg havde en hyggelig weekend, hvor vi passede min kærestes nevøer / My boyfriend and I had a nice weekend babysitting his nephews.
This week's downs:
Hvorfor skal det lige pludselig være så koldt allesteder? / Why does it have to be SO COLD everywhere?
Jeg var ved lægen tre dage ud af fem - ikke noget alvorligt, bare besværligt / I was at the doctor's three days out of five. Nothing serious, I'm fine. It was just inconvenient.
Børnepasning bliver altid lidt mindre skægt, når det kombineres med migræne / Babysitting is always a little less fun when it's mixed with migrains.
Hvorfor skal der altid være folk til koncerter, som ter sig åndssvagt og ødelægger det lidt for alle andre? / Why is it that you can't go to a concert without it being ruined a bit by people acting stupid?
Couldn't have done without:
Min kæreste, som var sød til at skifte flere bleer end mig og tog sig af morgenfrisk nevø, mens jeg fik lov til at sove længe med migræne / My boyfriend who was nice to change more diapers than me and took care of his nephew all alone, while letting me sleep in with my migrain.
Varmt tøj (dog ikke varmt nok!) / Warm clothes (but not warm enough!)
Could've done without:
Migræne / Migrains
Next (well, this) week will be great because:
Fordi det er en relativt stille uge (jeg har i hvert fald ingen vilde planer, som det er nu) / It'll be a quite quiet week (I don't have that many plans as it is right now).
It's the last Monday of October and that also means that it's time for yet another "Plus Size Outfit Day". If you don't know what it's all about you can read more about it here. The theme of the month is "Get ready for Saturday Night". Right away I thought that the theme was really fun, but I was also really split; I could show you how I get ready for my usual Saturday nights. Or I could show you how I get ready for unusual but more festive Saturday nights. Then I decided to do a bit of both.
No matter how my Saturday night will be spend it pretty much begins the same way; when it's weekend and when I have time I like to spoil myself a bit with a nice facial mask and by making myself feel soft and comfortable - for example by shaving my legs and using tons of lotion afterwards!
After that two things can happen. Either I stay at home and relax a lot or I go out. Let's start with the stay at home edition. It doesn't really need any explanation, just have a look:
The go out edition has a lot of pictures in it, so hold on tight:
If I am planning on red lips I'll start off with this Prep+Prime stick from MAC. It makes it all stay longer - and we like that when it comes to lipstick. It needs to stay on for a few minutes before you put anything on top of it, so before I go on with the lips I'll do other things like:
... putting on foundation, eyeshadow and stuff like that....
... concentrating on putting on my eye-liner. This one is from Maybelline and I love it!
... concentrating even harder on putting on mascara. I look like an idiot, but what's the point on posing for a photo like this, when everyone know, that you have to look like this if you want to be authentic?
Now I can go on with my lips. Next step: Lip liner. I'm actually going to colour the entire lip with this little beauty to make the final result last longer.
Who said putting on make-up should look good? At least I got a good laugh out of it, when I realized how stupid I looked!
I apply the lipstick with a pencil and end it all off by "biting" on a peace of toilet paper. Voila!
Jeg følte mig virkelig inspireret af denne udgave af Zizzi Magazine. Magasinet er virkelig flot udført og modellen Denise Bidot er mere end lækker!
I really felt inspired by the latest edition of Zizzi Magazine. The magazine itself was beautiful and so was plus size model Denise Bidot - she's more than hot!
Ligenu står jeg til koncert med Tina Dickow - og nyder det! Jeg har næsten alle dage været glad for Tina Dickow. Der er noget over hendes måde at fortælle historier på, som tiltaler mig og noget ved hendes guitarspil, som fanger mig ind. Her er nogle af mine yndlings Dickow-sange. Og tro mig: Det var ikke nemt at vælge.
Right now I'm at a Tina Dico concert - and enjoying it! I've almost always been a fan of Tina Dico. There's something about her way of telling stories and something about her guitarplaying that draws me in. Here's some of my favourite Dico-songs. Believe me; it wasn't easy to choose!
Denne sang har altid fået mig til at slappe af, når jeg stressede og til at tage lidt lettere på tingene, når det hele var mørkt og tungt.
This song always makes me relax when I'm stressed and it makes me see the bright side, when everything seems dark and heavy.
Denne sang var soundtracket til begge mine ungdomsudvekslinger i Rusland og én i Estland. Den betyder virkelig meget for mig. Hvis jeg kunne finde ud af det, så havde jeg vist jer en video, hvor jeg synger den i stedet. Men der er nu intet galt med Tinas egen version - den mangler bare lidt russiske kulisser.
This song was the soundtrack to my youth exchanges in Russia and Estonia and it means so much to me. If I knew how to do it I would show you a video of me singing it instead. Not that anything is wrong with Tina's own version - there's just a lack of Russian backdrops.
Denne sang er bare så fin. Ja.
This song is just really beautiful. It makes me think of Iceland - even though I've never been there.
Jeg har smidt denne sang op før. Men den er simpelthen bare så dejlig, synes jeg. Og den får mig til at danse hver eneste dag!
I've posted this song before, but I just really like it. It makes me dance every single day!
So... Today it's "Play Danish Day" which is all about honoring Danish music - because it's worth it! It's about shedding light on Danish artists in general but especially on those who's using the Danish language in the music as well. "Once upon a time" (in the 80's and before that) it was very common to write music lyrics in Danish, but in the 90's and also in the 00's it was very unfashionable and wasn't heard as much. Lately it's been coming back though and I think it's quite lovely. Because of the Play Danish Day (and because I've been thinking about it lately) I've decided to go back to writing in Danish as well and then translate it into English. Just because... Well, I'm Danish and some future post might aim just at Danish readers and it doesn't make much sense to write them in English. But as I said: I'll translate and put the English text in italic. And now to the Danish part - more English below.
I dag er det jo Spil dansk dag. Til de er jer, som ikke ved, hvad det nu lige handler om, så er det dagen hvor vi skal sætte (endnu mere!) pris på danske musikere. Kunstnere som giver plads til det danske sprog i deres musik, såvel som danske kunstnere som bare er fantastiske. Og danske. Og uden at blive alt for nationalistisk, så kan jeg altså godt lide dansk musik. Bare fordi. Der var engang, hvor det var helt almindeligt at synge på dansk. Og så var der en periode, hvor det nærmest slet ikke var aktuelt. Nu er det danske sprog heldigvis tilbage på scenen, i radioen og ørebøfferne igen - og det er da dejligt!
I anledning af Spil dansk (og fordi jeg generelt har overvejet det på det seneste), så begynder jeg altså igen at skrive på dansk og oversætte til engelsk i samme blog. Fordi det giver mening for mig.
Og endnu mere i anledning af Spil dansk, så kommer her nogle Youtube-videoer (forbered jer på lidt spam fra min side), med nogle af mine yndlings-danskere på musikscenen - dansksprogede såvel som "bare danske".
Because of the Play Danish Day I'll post a few (well.... be prepared for some kind of spam-syndrome) videos from Youtube featuring some of my favourite Danish music - some of the songs are in Danish and you'll probably understand next to nothing (but still nice songs) and some of them will be on the list because the artist is Danish but sings in English. Enjoy!
Alright! Let's start up with something that you all probably know, but in a new version! Here's Halleluja in Danish by the lovely Steffen Brandt and the even more lovely Tina Dico.
Ja, jeg ved godt, at det her er en omdiskuteret fætter. Men jeg kan altså godt lide Steffens oversættelse!
Actually this guy, Mads Langer, usually sings in English - and he does great! But this song is one of my favourite Danish songs at the moment and he's wonderful. The song is called "Overgi'r mig langsomt" which means "Surrendering slowly".
And here he is again! Mads Langer in his own English element. This is one of my favourites!
This one is fun, because it mixes up English and Danish, performed by Volbeat and Johan Olsen. Also I have great memories of this song from my Youth Exchanges in Russia.
Der er ikke noget som sange med minder i - denne var stor, da jeg var på ungdomsudveksling i Rusland og englænderne som deltog var vilde med den. De sang ufortrødent med - også når der blev sunget på dansk!
And this last one - it always makes my day. I mean... You can hear the guy smile, when you listen to him sing. The artist is called Rasmus Nøhr and the song is called "Alderspræsident" which means "Age president". I don't know if it's even a word in English, probably not... But it means being the oldest in a gathering. It's all about enjoying life and waiting for Summer to come back.
Rasmus Nøhr redder altså enhver dag for mig for tiden. Derfor er han med. Basta!
Do you know any Danish music at all? If you do, what's your favourite?
Hvad er dit "favorit danske"-musik?
This post is really untypical, but as I was walking around the oldest town of Denmark I couldn't stop taking pictures of pretty, old doors and other details. And when I got home I didn't know what to do with them. So here you have it... A walk around the Danish town Ribe (I am told it's called Ripen in German). The town was founded in year 710 AD. These pictures really doesn't do the town any justice - I've always loved walking around the small streets, looking at all the crooked and old details. I love breathing the history and the charm.
And last Sunday, when I was walking around, I was loving the doors - obviously. Most of the doors are just random pictures, but some of them actually comes with some kind of story or thought. I hope some of you like this post - if you don't; well... Then this is just the strangest blog post you've ever seen.
The church in the background is where I go on Christmas (if I go to church that is). And check out the door. It's so
small... And crooked. Everything in Ribe is crooked.
I mean.... Look at this house. And the bicycle. It's almost as big as the crooked, little house. Actually
this is the smallest house in Ribe. And I find it really charming.
My mom was actually born behind this door.
And the church again. And a charming pumpkin. Actually Halloween isn't that big a deal here in Denmark.
But I think these pumpkins look nice.
Here's what I wore when I went to my boyfriends father's birthday yesterday. We had a nice day with nice people, nice cakes and nice children. I'm so happy that my hair is long enough (finally!) to do something else than just leave it hanging. Wonder how long it will be before I'll cut it off again.
This week has gone by too fast, but in a good way. Usually, in my life, weeks run by because I'm pretty busy, but this week just went by too fast, because I really didn't want it to end. I didn't have any lectures at the university and my sweet colleague asked me if she could take my day at work off my hands - which meant that I had the entire week off. Hello vacation! I'm not gonna say no!
This week's ups:
I had the week off - need I say more?
I went to my hometown and spend the entire week with my family. It was wonderful! Hadn't been home for months.
I had the chance to see several missed friends during the week.
Feeling loved! I know... I feel loved every single day, but one special thing made me smile: I was reading in the living room, my dad was making dinner in the kitchen. All of a sudden he comes in with a plate with a sliced orange for me - he just thought it would be nice. It's funny how the smallest things really makes you smile and makes you feel loved to the bone.
I decided NOT to bring any study-related litterature with me. For the first time since my summer vacation I've been reading something else! I read the Swedish crime novel "The Hypnotist" by Lars Kepler. I've always wondered what it is with Swedes and crime novels - maybe it's just here in Denmark, but if you say "crime novel" then you almost say "Swedish" at the same time. Anyway! I guess they know what they're doing; I was crazy about Stieg Larson's novels and "Tha Hypnotist" by Lars Kepler was a really nice (can you say nice about a book like that...?) book as well!
Coming back home: Back home to my family in Esbjerg but also coming back home to my boyfriend in Aarhus. It's really nice to see each other again after being apart and missing one another.
This week's downs:
Going to the dentist - it's just money I could've spent better myself.
The weather. It's been raining SOOOO much!
Couldn't have done without:
An umbrella!
Could've done without:
A bill from the dentist.
Next week will be great because:
I'll be going to a great concert Friday night!
My boyfriend and I are going to have a fun weekend taking care of his nephews.
As soon as I saw these pictures I told my boyfriend that he could've told me that my hair looked kind of weird and that my earring turned upside down. One could argue that I could have looked in the mirror before I asked him to take the pictures, but... I guess I didn't feel like I had the time. We were just about to go to the theatre and just wanted to take a few, quick pictures. Guess it went a little too quick.